Call your own python module from the ROS package

I don't know how to import a collection of functions that are not related to my own ROS in a ROS package, so until now I made a dedicated ROS package and imported it. After all, I wanted to make it independent, so I tried a method like that with trial and error.

File structure

├─ build
├─ devel
└─ src
   ├─ my_py_utils
   │  ├── file)
   │  └──
   └─ my_ros_pkg
      ├── CMakeLists.txt
      ├── file)
      ├── package.xml
      └── src

It's almost like this. Here, consider using the function (do_something) in from

What I tried

Pattern to do properly for the time being


from my_py_utils.util_functions import do_something 

Is inserted. ↓

ImportError: No module named my_py_utils.util_functions


Pattern to try with relative path


from ...my_py_utils.util_functions import do_something 

Is inserted. ↓ pycharm recognizes it, but when it comes to rosrun

ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package


A pattern that will teach you the path properly


import sys
from my_py_utils.util_functions import do_something 

Is inserted. ↓ It works properly!


After all, I've only tried the method of importing as normal python, but it's troublesome to specify the absolute path, and I have a theory that I should use ROS package.xml, so I'd like to try it again. (I want someone to tell me) Also, I didn't understand much about python or ROS than I expected (´ ・ ω ・ `). Let's do our best.

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