From Python 3.4, pip becomes the standard installer! ??

Ruby has gems and Node.js has npm, but Python originally didn't have a package manager.

From some time ago, something called easy_install appeared, and pip was created. Now that pip is becoming almost the de facto standard, it remains one of the packages to be installed later. It's a bit lonely for Python, which advocates "Batteries included" in the sense that it can be used immediately after opening the box.

PEP-453 Explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations has been proposed to manage the situation. It seems that it will actually be installed as standard from 3.4 with the proposal "Let's make pip the official recommended default installer for Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4". I think that the pip command will be installed at the same time when Python is installed, but it seems a little different, so make a note here.

First, a module called "ensure pip" will be added in 3.4. So what this does is, as the name suggests, "make sure it contains pip" (strange Japanese ...).

In particular

$ python3.4 -m ensurepip


--Install pip if pip is not installed --Do nothing if it is already installed

It seems to behave like that. And if you already have it installed but the one that comes with python3.4 is newer and you want to replace it

$ python3.4 -m ensurepip --upgrade

And. By the way, there is no network access when installing this pip. In other words, pip is included in the standard Python package and distributed. But by default, if you hit the above command without installing it, it will be installed as needed. What a humorous www

I thought I'd give it a try, so I checked it with the latest 3.4.0a4, but it said "No module named ensure pip" orz ..

According to PEP-429 Python 3.4 Release Schedule, beta1 is 11/24. I'm sure you'll be there, but I think you'll leave it up to that point.

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