Now run Python from Excel-VBA using xlwings and try working with Excel files on python.
There may be talk that VBA is okay, but I don't want to write VBA, so it can't be helped.
For how to use xlwings, refer to Try operating Excel using Python (Xlwings).
By the way, the environment is Mac, but xlwings works on Windows.
VBA: Calling Python from Excel
Anything is fine, but I will prepare a script that sets the appropriate value in the Excel file.
from xlwings import Workbook, Range
def myfunction():
wb = Workbook.caller()
Range('A1').value = "Call Python!"
Create a new Excel file, open the editor with Alt + F11, and register the macro
Sub SampleCall()
RunPython ("import myproject;myproject.myfunction()")
End Sub
here is the python script name.
The function that myfunction
wants to execute.
You need to import a VBA module called xlwings.bas
into a file.
is in the installed xlwigns directory.
If you want to find out the path, you can easily find it in the Python Console
import xlwings
Register the created macro SampleCall ()
in an appropriate object and execute it to complete.
For Mac, the xlswings vba module seems to read .bash_profile
and set the python path.
If you are using bash, there will be no problem because it will be set, but if you are using zsh like yourself, you will get the following error because .bash_profile
is not prepared.
importError: No module named xlwings
Create bash_profile or rewrite xlwings.bas
to load zshrc.
To rewrite, just rewrite the .bash_profile
below to .zshrc
'Check if .bash_profile is existing and source it
Res = system("source ~/.bash_profile")
If Res = 0 Then
Res = system("source ~/.bash_profile;" & RunCommand & """" & WORKBOOK_FULLNAME & """ ""from_xl""" & " " & Chr(34) & ToPosixPath(Application.Path) & "/" & Application.Name & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(34) & LOG_FILE & Chr(34) & " 2>&1 &")
Res = system(RunCommand & """" & WORKBOOK_FULLNAME & """ ""from_xl""" & " " & Chr(34) & ToPosixPath(Application.Path) & "/" & Application.Name & Chr(34) & ">" & Chr(34) & LOG_FILE & Chr(34) & " 2>&1 &")
End If
If it is troublesome to import xlwings.bas
one by one
If you execute the following command in the console, it will generate an imported Excel file and a python script called.
xlwings quickstart myproject
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