Run iphone safari from mac with python + selenium + safari-webdriver


I found an article that seems to have officially introduced the safari web driver from iOS 13. (Webdriver is Comming to Safari in iOS13) I couldn't find an article on how to do it at all. So I tried and errored myself, and I was able to move it, so I would like to keep a record.

table of contents

  1. Settings on the iPhone side
  2. Operate from the MAC side

① iPhone settings

--Settings → Safari → Advanced → Turn on remote automation --To connect iPhone to MAC and trust this computer Yes

② Operation from the MAC side

First install selenium pip install selenium

Below is the code in python

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities

desiredcapabilities= DesiredCapabilities.SAFARI.copy()

driver = 


You can run safari on iphone from mac

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