Python3 + Django ~ Mac ~ with Apache

Surprisingly, there was nothing in this area, so make a note. By default on Mac Python 2.7.9 Is installed.

Preparing pyenv

pyenv manages the Python environment. It is possible to switch and manage different versions of Python.

Install pyenv

For Mac, install with brew.

$ brew install pyenv-virtualenv

Python installation

Install 3.4.3.

$ pyenv install 3.4.3

Set 3.4.3 globally.

$ pyenv global 3.4.3

Check if it is set globally

$ python -V

mod_wsgi mod_wsgi is a module for running Python on Apache.


$ brew install mod_wsgi

Apache settings

Add the following to httpd.conf.

LoadModule wsgi_module [module to path]

See below for setting to virtualhost.

Daemon Mode wsgi_mod defaults to "Embedded Mode". In "Embedded Mode", the python file is not updated unless Apache is restarted. To reflect the python modification immediately, set it to "Daemon Mode". Put "processes = 2 threads = 15 display-name =% {GROUP}" in "WSGI Daemon Process".

WSGIDaemonProcess processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP}


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