View Mac desktop notifications from Python

There was a situation where I wanted to get Mac notifications from a Python script, so

--Execute AppleScript with a command --Execute the above command from Python

I created it in the flow.

Show desktop notifications in AppleScript

In AppleScript


display notification "Hello World"

You can view desktop notifications with. In the figure below, it is executed from


Execute AppleScript from a command

Use the ʻosascript` command.


$ osascript -e 'display notification "Hello World"'

So you get the same result as before.

Call a command in a Python script

It can be executed by passing the above command as a character string to the argument of the system method of the ʻos` module.

import os

os.system("osascript -e 'display notification \"Hello World\"'")

I want to execute the above process only when the execution environment is Mac

If the Python script may be executed in an environment other than Mac, it may be necessary to prevent the desktop notification from being displayed in some environments.

There is a module called platform in the Python standard library, so I used this.

Running platform.system () will return the system name as a string like 'Linux', 'Darwin','Java', 'Windows'. If you are not sure, an empty string will be returned.


The above is summarized as follows.

import os
from platform import system

pf = system()
if pf == "Darwin":
    os.system("osascript -e 'display notification \"Hello World\"'")

Future outlook

The notification comes from the "script editor", so I'd like to change it if possible.



[How to operate the notification center of macOS from python-I suffer from output]( % E3% 81% AE% E9% 80% 9A% E7% 9F% A5% E3% 82% BB% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82% BF% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% 92% E6 % 93% 8D% E3% 82% 8B% E6% 96% B9% E6% B3% 95)

platform --- Refer to the specific information of the running platform — Python 3.8.5 documentation

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