Information obtained from tweet_id (Python)

This is the second article. I will write about Twitter like this.

Completion code

from datetime import datetime

tweet_id = 279622981959970816
print("tweet_id =",tweet_id)

tweet_raw = format(tweet_id,'016b')
print ("tweet_raw =",tweet_raw)
tweet_raw=format(int(tweet_raw), '064')[1:]

sequence = tweet_raw[51:]
worker_id = tweet_raw[46:-12]
datacenter_id = tweet_raw[41:-17]
machine_id = datacenter_id + worker_id
timestamp_id = tweet_raw[:-22]

unixtime = (timestamp + 1288834974657)/1000
time = datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime)

print("sequence =",seq)
print("worker_id =",work)
print("datacenter_id =",data)
print("machine_id =",machine)
print("timestamp_id =",timestamp)

It will be printed like this. bandicam 2020-02-08 01-14-41-754.jpg

Is it really right! About that bandicam 2020-02-08 00-50-10-563.jpg Since it matches here, you should be able to get it firmly.

Explanation Break down the Tweet id into binary numbers and pad it with 0s to the left with 63 digits. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttdddddwwwwwssssssssssss 000001111100001011010111001111011011110110000100111000000000000![bandicam 2020-02-08 01-09-57-277.jpg](

t = timestamp (fixed UNIX time) d = datacenter_id (literally) w = worker_id (literally) dw = machine_id (literally) s = seqence (serial number) It is like that.

I want a function that gets only time! In that case, please click here

def get_time(id):
 unixtime = int(two_raw[:-22],2) + 1288834974657
 ime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime/1000)
 return ime

fixed phrase I'm always on Twitter (@ kenkensz9) so if you have any questions I hope you like it!

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