Register redmine issue from Python

Just use python-redmine

The library used in the following script is

! /usr/bin/env python
-*- coding: utf-8 -*-                                                                                                                                
from pit import Pit
from redmine import Redmine # needs python-redmine (execute the command "pip instsall python-redmine")                                                

def main():
    conf = Pit.get('redmine',
                   {'require': {'url': '',
                                'username': '',
                                'password': '',
    url = conf['url']
    username = conf['username']
    password = conf['password']

    redmine = Redmine(url, username=username, password=password)

    issue =
    issue.project_id = 'project'
 issue.subject = u'test'
 issue.tracker_id = 12 # tracker
 issue.description = u'test'
 issue.status_id = 1 # status
 issue.assigned_to_id = 51 # Person in charge

if __name__ == '__main__':

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