Operate neutron from Python!


It is assumed that OpenStack is already installed. CentOS7 + RDO(All-in-one)


python-install neutron client #pip install python-neutronclient

Set of environment variables

Since it is necessary to tell the program the IP or eye path of the neutron server, set it in the environment variable. Same as "keystonerc_XX" created during installation.

export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne


As documented.

from os import environ
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client

neutron = client.Client(


list is a display system

#Display Version
print neutron.version

#View security group
print neutron.list_security_groups()

#Display security group (display only specific group)
print neutron.show_security_group("XXXXXX")

#There are many
print dir(neutron)



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