Operate Sakura's cloud object storage from Python

Ruby: http://qiita.com/toshitanian/items/eab866b46bdec7283d4b

Sakura's cloud object storage

An object storage service that supports large amounts of data and has an S3 compatible API.


Difference between S3 and Sakura object storage

A library that can be used to connect to S3 with Python

boto / boto de facto

boto / boto3 New version of boto. It seems better to use this one.

Manipulate Sakura's object storage from Python

python: Python 2.7.8


from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection

conn = S3Connection(
    'xxx', # access_key_id
    'yyyy', # secret_access_key
bucket = conn.get_bucket('test-bucket')
obj = bucket.get_key('sample_file.txt')
print obj.get_contents_as_string()

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