The problem that the localhost page launched by Docker cannot be confirmed in the browser when the ESET firewall is operating


--Introduce security software called ESET and solve the problem that it is not displayed when trying to display the localhost page running on Docker with a browser.


--In this work, change the settings of the security software. It will be a little delicate work, so work carefully. ――When carrying out this work on a PC lent by the company, it is strongly recommended to consult with the administrator. ――The author is not responsible for any loss caused to your PC by carrying out this work. ――Please also check the links to the references listed at the end of this article.

Prerequisite information

--Start the local server of nginx with Docker that built the environment referring to the article written by my senior. -Laravel course starting with Docker-Docker edition -Laravel course starting with Docker --Laravel edition --With ESET's personal firewall "enabled", access the following on Google Chrome and when the top page of Laravel is displayed, the work is completed. - http://localhost:8080


--The top page of Laravel is not displayed even if you start the Docker container with ESET's personal firewall "enabled" and access [http: // localhost: 8080](http: // localhost: 8080) with a browser.


  1. Launch the ESET app.
  2. Click "Settings".


  1. Click "Personal Firewall".


  1. Click "Settings".


  1. Change "Automatic mode" of "Filtering mode" to "Interactive mode".


  1. A window will appear asking if you want to allow the traffic currently being communicated. Make sure that the communication is not suspicious, select "Remember actions (create rules)", and click "Allow". Since this window is displayed for all inward and outward traffic that is currently being performed, perform the above-mentioned "permit" work or "deny" work until the window disappears.

Blank_Skitch_Canvas.png Blank_Skitch_Canvas-2.png

  1. Start the Docker container.

  2. Access the following with a browser.

  3. You will be asked to allow traffic as you did earlier, so check the contents, select "Remember actions (create rules)" and click "Allow".

Blank_Skitch_Canvas.png Blank_Skitch_Canvas-2.png

  1. Confirm that the top page of Laravel is displayed at [http: // localhost: 8080](http: // localhost: 8080).
  2. Change "Interactive mode" of "Filtering mode" to "Automatic mode".



-Specific communication is blocked in Mac environment (when caused by "personal firewall function")

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