[RUBY] [Rails / Docker] What to do if access is denied by the browser (localhost: 3000) after adding a gem


macOS 10.15.5 Rails Docker 19.03.12

What to do if access is denied on your browser (localhost: 3000) after adding a gem

When trying to add pagination function in Docker environment, add the following gem and then execute `bundle install` to restart the server ...


gem 'kaminari'


$ bundle install
$ docker-compose restart

But the browser denied access ...

スクリーンショット 2020-11-06 22.40.07.png

Docker operation check

First of all, when you execute `` `docker-compose up```, it was confirmed that Docker has crashed, so try the following operation to connect to the browser again.


$ docker-compose build

Then run docker-compose up again.


$ docker-compose up

Then I think that the connection to the browser can be successful even with the gem added! Try it if it crashes when adding a gem in the Docker environment.

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