[JAVA] What to do if the Eclipse Maven dependency Jar is wrong

(Because it is the first article, please understand that there are places where words are sparse)

In the Maven project in Eclipse [! ] Is displayed, but the flow of measures to be taken when a problem is encountered that cannot be fixed even if the project is updated or the source is downloaded again.


The library you tried to use

When I got hooked

First of all, as a common remedy [Build Path] → [Library] I tried to open and check the strange place スクリーンショット 2018-02-12 14.25.03.png No abnormality is displayed

Even if you go to check the jar normally スクリーンショット 2018-02-12 14.26.49.png There is properly

Then check the problem tab

'C: /Users/~~~/.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.8/httpcore-4.4.8.jar' cannot be loaded or is not a valid ZIP file

I was addicted to it from here [Quick fix] When I selected, I ended up just opening the [Build Path] window, and I couldn't deal with it, so I couldn't move from here.

Final action

I tried to decompile the problematic Jar スクリーンショット 2018-02-12 14.38.12.png that? I can't open the contents

The cause was that the ** jar file itself was corrupted ** As a final method


After dropping Eclipse, I deleted it entirely, restarted Eclipse, downloaded the source again, and it was fixed.

(I wonder if the first article should be like this ...)

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