[JAVA] What to do if the adb command cannot be executed

What to do if the adb command cannot be executed

** Cause **


How to pass the Path of the adb command

Find the Path where the adb command resides

Click Configure> Project Default> Project Structure at the bottom right. AndroidStudio_起動画面 Copy Path in Android SDK location image.png The adb command resides in the "platform-tools" folder inside the "Sdk" folder. image.png adb.exe is the adb command.

Pass Path to adb command

Open "System Properties". Click the "Environment Variables" button, click the variable Path in the system environment variables column, and click the "Edit" button. Click "New" and enter the Path to the platform-tools. image.png Finish editing the environment variable name with "OK", finish the environment variable with "OK", and finish the system property with "OK".

Then restart Android Studio and you'll be able to use the adb command.

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