[RUBY] [Rails] What to do when rails db: migrate cannot be done because there is no table referenced by the foreign key

Error location

rails aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

Mysql2::Error: Table 'first_app_development.users' doesn't exist

There is no user table to reference! Is angry. Why is this happening?


The files in the users table that the messages table wants to refer to have been generated after the messages table.

**what do you mean? ** **

rails g model:message

After the

rails g model:user

Did you cause the error? Normally, this order should be reversed. Since user: message has a one-to-many relationship, the message must refer to the user.


class CreateMessages < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    create_table :messages do |t|
      t.string :image
      t.references :user, foreign_key: true

In this way, if you add foreign_key: true to the column and write "I will refer to the user table!", It means that an error will occur unless the referenced user table is migrated first.

** Then how do I change the order of the files? ** ** The answer is simple. Of the migration file e1347bffe8989928198807e72930578c.png Just right-click on the date order and edit the file name to change it.

Replaced and again

rails db:migrate
== 20200814114004 CreateUsers: migrating ======================================
-- create_table(:users)
   -> 0.1215s
== 20200814114004 CreateUsers: migrated (0.1216s) =============================

== 20200815114016 CreateMessages: migrating ===================================
-- create_table(:messages)
   -> 0.0479s
== 20200815114016 CreateMessages: migrated (0.0480s) =========================

It's done ^^

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