[RUBY] What to do when you want to delete a migration file that is "NO FILE"

About this article
When I checked the status with "rails db: migrate: status" while making my own application, I found a migration file that says "NO FILE". Post as a memorandum how to delete because it is an unnecessary file!

[environment] ・ Ruby 2.6.5, Rails 6.0.0 ・ MacOS

% rails db:migrate:status

"NO FILE" is displayed when checking the status

Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
up     20201201125021  Remove name from tweets
up     20201202142455  Create comments
up     20201206104547  ********** NO FILE **********

Enter the following command

% vim db/migrate/(migration_file_id)_tmp.rb   *in this case"20201206104547"
class Tmp < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change

Check the status again

% bundle exec rake db:migrate:status

It changes to the "Tmp" you entered earlier

Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
up     20201201125021  Remove name from tweets
up     20201202142455  Create comments
up     20201206104547  Tmp

Change status to down

% bundle exec rake db:migrate:down VERSION=(migration_file_id)
Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
up     20201201125021  Remove name from tweets
up     20201202142455  Create comments
down     20201206104547  Tmp


% rm -rf db/migrate/20150708134153_tmp.rb 

Finally check the status

% bundle exec rake db:migrate:status
Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
up     20201201125021  Remove name from tweets
up     20201202142455  Create comments

It has disappeared!

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