[RUBY] [Rails Tutorial Chapter 2] What to do when you make a mistake in the column name


While learning Rails Tutorial Chapter 2, "2.3.1 Exploring Microposts", I generated code with scaffold with the wrong column name.

Procedure when you make a mistake

I accidentally typed: one: Micropost as "mivroposts".

$ rails generate scaffold mivroposts content:text user_id:integer

: two: I just migrated without noticing the typo.
$ rails db:migrate

The result of making a mistake

I noticed a typo only when it was displayed in routes.rb.


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :mivroposts #What is Maiburo Posutsu?
  resources :users
  root 'users#index'

What I looked up

I searched google for "rails g name mistake" and found an article that describes the procedure for correcting a situation similar to myself, so I used it as a reference. Thank you very much.

[For Rails Girls participants] Corrective procedure when the column name (attribute name) is entered incorrectly when creating scaffold

What to do

: one: I was running rails db: migrate, so I ran the following command to undo the changes I made to the database.

$ rails db:rollback

: two: Scaffold has been deleted.
$ rails destroy scaffold mivroposts

: three: I generated the code again with scaffold and executed the migration.
$ rails generate scaffold Micropost content:text user_id:integer

$ rails db:migrate

Result of coping


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :microposts
  resources :users
  root 'users#index'
== 20200614080432 CreateMicroposts: migrating =================================
-- create_table(:microposts)
   -> 0.0067s
== 20200614080432 CreateMicroposts: migrated (0.0077s) ========================


-[For Rails Girls participants] Corrective procedure when the column name (attribute name) is entered incorrectly when creating scaffold

-About manners to be careful when publishing articles on Qiita ~ Do not copy the contents of the net or books without permission ~


When I found out that I made a typo, I was surprised and wondered what to do, but at that time I thought it was important to stay calm and avoid making mistakes.

I made a mistake from the beginning of the Rails tutorial and got a little dented, but I thought that there was a lot to learn from the mistake, and it was a good opportunity to learn that it is more important to follow it than to make a mistake. did. (Of course, it's best not to make mistakes, and I can't say such a sweet thing in actual work.)

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