[RUBY] What to do if you get a "Mysql2 :: Error: Operand should contain 1 column (s)" error in Rails

Hello everybody, is @ ryosk7.


I will enter from the main subject quickly.

Mysql2::Error: Operand should contain 1 column(s)

What to do if you get an error like this.

As for the situation,

user_ids = @current_user.sample_contents.pluck(:to_user_id)

@samples = SampleModel.where('
                              (user_id = ? and status = ?) or (user_id = ? and status is not null)',
                              user_ids, SampleModel.statuses[:open], @current_user.id)
                      .order(id: "DESC")

It was output when I wrote such code.


it's here.

user_ids = @current_user.sample_contents.pluck(:to_user_id)

@samples = SampleModel.where('
                              (user_id = ? and status = ?) or (user_id = ? and status is not null)',
                              user_ids.join(","), SampleModel.statuses[:open], @current_user.id)
                      .order(id: "DESC")

Did you notice the difference?

The array is changed to a string concatenated with commas.



If you use Active Record, it will be recognized without any problem even if you pass it as an array to user_id. The cause was that I was doing the same on SQL. If it's a single value, it's okay, but if it's multiple values, you need to pass a list of strings.

Actually, SQL is created like this. The place converted by join is the same. I'm not strong in SQL, so I learned a lot.

SELECT `sample_models`.* FROM `sample_models` WHERE ((user_id = '10,23,55' and status = 0) or (user_id = 14 and status is not null))  ORDER BY `sample_models`.`id` DESC

In the reference article, I'm hitting a query using IN. If you write in the same way,

user_ids = @current_user.sample_contents.pluck(:to_user_id)

@samples = SampleModel.where('
                              (user_id in (?) and status = ?) or (user_id = ? and status is not null)',
                              user_ids.join(","), SampleModel.statuses[:open], @current_user.id)
                      .order(id: "DESC")

It looks like this.

SQL is also created with IN.

SELECT `sample_models`.* FROM `sample_models` WHERE ((user_id in ('10,23,55') and status = 0) or (user_id = 14 and status is not null))  ORDER BY `sample_models`.`id` DESC

Both give the same result.



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