[RUBY] What to do if the image posted by refile disappears after setting a 404 error page in Rails


Only when I create a 404 error page in Rails, the image posted by refile disappears. If you comment out the code on the error page, the image will be displayed.

The code for the 404 error page is below.


  unless Rails.env.development?
    rescue_from Exception,                      with: :render_500 
    rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound,   with: :render_404
    rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, with: :render_404

#Create an error directory with views and 404 there.html.erb/505.html.Create erb
  def render_404
    render 'error/404', status: :not_found

  def render_500
    render 'error/500', status: :internal_server_error


Rails.application.routes.draw do

#It will be evaluated in order from the top, so write it at the bottom
get '*path', to: 'application#render_404'



If you check rails routes in the terminal,

GET /*path(.:format)
refile_app /attachments

It was in the order of. Since routes are evaluated from above, get'* in config / routes.rbis evaluated before/ attachments, which is the URL of the refile with nothing set in config / routes.rb, is evaluated. path', to:'application # render_404' has been evaluated.


It's okay to evaluate refile_app / attachments beforeGET / * path (.: Format).

First, add the following to ʻinitializers / refile.rb. If refile.rb` does not exist, create a new one.


Refile.automount = false


Rails.application.routes.draw do

mount Refile.app, at: Refile.mount_point, as: :refile_app #add to
get '*path', to: 'application#render_404' #Write at the bottom


If you check rails routes in the terminal,

refile_app /attachments
GET /*path(.:format)

I think it is in the order of.

I think that / attachments will be evaluated first and the image will be displayed.

https://github.com/refile/refile#mounting As I wrote in, I had to turn off the automatic mounting of refile and set the route myself.

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