[RUBY] What to do if you can't find your API key after deploying to Rails heroku

Implemented function

Get latitude and longitude from the address entered using gem geocoder. Get the Google API Key and display the map on the app.

Problems that occurred

It worked fine in the development environment, but in the production environment after deployment When I checked the operation, the map was not displayed for the address I entered and nothing was returned.

I guessed

When I checked the console, it said No Apikeys, ʻInvalidkey`, so I guess it was due to the API key.

Since I lacked knowledge of API, is there a problem with the code written in the development environment or a problem with the setting of Google API? I dig deeper thinking that, but I can't find any articles that could be solved.

By the way, I used gem" dotenv-rails " for the API key, put it in the environment variable in .env, and hid it in .gitignore.

If you put in the Google Maps Platform API Checker, which is a Chrome extension, I was able to confirm that the error character and a sentence of the code containing the API key were displayed, but the API key itself was not found.

In other words, the environment variables have not been called.

problem solving

When I googled around here, I could see that I was addicted to the swamp (laughs). I decided to calm down and think about it.

** ... Maybe it's because you're deploying to heroku? ?? ** **

So when I try to google, this is bingo!

** Heroku doesn't deploy files in .gitignore ** You said you need to set environment variables with heroku config: set.

[heroku] Manipulating environment variables

I will refer to this article and set environment variables on heroku.

I was able to solve it safely! !! !!

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