What to do after updating Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml


This is a memo of the command to be reflected in the image or container after editing and updating Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml. It was unexpectedly simple. In addition, this article introduces the case where multiple containers are managed by docker-compose.

Reflect Dockerfile updates

$ docker-compose up -d --build

* The -d option is an option that starts in the background </ small>

I'm adding the --build option to the docker-compose up command.

Normally when you run docker-compose up,

① Build the Docker image and ② run is executed

Is executed, but if the Docker image is already built, Only the run of ② is executed. Therefore, even if you execute the docker-compose up -d command after updating the Dockerfile, The new Docker image will not be built and run will be executed based on the old image. So by adding the --build option, you can run build and run together.

Reflect updates in docker-compose.yml

$ docker-compose up -d

* The -d option is an option that starts in the background </ small>

This is the same as the command to start a container with docker-compose. Based on the updated docker-compose.yml, the container will be rebuilt.

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