What to do if the build fails with the error "Module compiled with Swift x.x.x cannot be imported by the Swift x.x.x compiler"

Purpose / background

Participated in an iOS application development project for the first time. I got an error when I tried to load an existing iOS project and build it, so I write it as a memorandum.

What happened

I got an error when I tried to load an existing iOS project with Xcode and build it.

Module compiled with Swift 5.1.3 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler: /Users/xxxxxxx/Desktop/project/Carthage/Build/iOS/Tabman.framework/Modules/Tabman.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule


  1. Carthage, a library management tool, was not installed on your Mac
  2. You did not select the Xcode to use for Command Line Tools
  3. The carthage library included in the source could not be updated


1. Install Carthage

$ brew install carthage

2. Specify any Xcode with Command Line Tools

Open Xcode and open [Xcode> Preferences> Locations] from the menu. Select any Xcode from the Command Line Tools pull-down.

3. Carthage library update

$cd project root path
$ carthage update --platform iOS

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