[RUBY] What to do about "A server is already running ..." that happened without turning off the rails server in the terminal

When I was playing with the local Visual Studio Code terminal, it was forcibly terminated due to a PC malfunction.

After that, when I started the Rails server again,

A server is already running.

Came out.

A normal shutdown when the server is running is OK with "ctrl + C", but in this case there was no response when I ran this command.

There are two ways to deal with this.

  1. Execute kill -9 $ (lsof -i tcp: 3000 -t)
  2. Restart your PC

I chose 1. and was able to leave the server connection blank for the time being.

Supplement (problem that localhost: 3000 cannot be accessed)

When I connected the server again thinking "Ah, I'm relieved for the time being",

yuichi kanban % rails s => Booting Puma => Rails application starting in development => Run rails server -h for more startup options Puma starting in single mode...

However, when I searched for localhost: 3000 in the browser, it was not loaded.

In this case, it's similar to the workaround above, but once I closed Visual Studio Code and woke it up again, I got Yay! You're on Rails!

If it gets stuck, restarting it will often solve the problem, so give it a try. (suitable)

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