[JAVA] [Maven] What to do if you are asked to incorporate a jar that is not in the remote repository into the war


Passed a jar that is not in the Maven central repository or in-house repository, "Use this jar to solidify the war!" What to do if you are ordered to.


  1. Execute the mvn install: install-file command to register it in the local repository (usually C: \ Users \ users \ .m2 \ repository on Windows).
  2. In pom.xml, set to refer to the jar registered in 1.

In particular,

If, type the following command. mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/lib/sample1.jar -DgroupId=jp.co.nannany -DartifactId=sample -Dversion=2.5.0 -Dpackaging=jar

Also, modify the pom.xml settings to refer to the files registered in the local repository.


The war file that is hardened after doing these depends on the corresponding jar.




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