[Java] What to do if you get an error in Eclipse saying "Not allowed at source level below 1.X"

A rare phenomenon that occurs when you cut a branch

When I try to cut a branch and work at work, for some reason when I build it, a lot of errors may occur as shown in the image below. I will write a solution that doubles as a memorandum image.png If you take a closer look

'<>' Operators are not allowed at source levels below 1.7

And that. When I hover over the part where the error is displayed, it seems that there is a problem with the JRE version. image.png


The solution is very simple. First, right-click on the project displayed in the Eclipse navigator. Click ** Properties ** in it (red frame) image.png When I click ** Java Compiler ** in the list on the left on the property screen, it is strange that the execution environment should be 1.8, but for some reason it is 1.5. image.png So let's change the compiler compliance level back to 1.8 in the execution environment and then click ** Apply and Close **. At that time, information to build will be displayed, so just press OK. image.png When the build is complete, the error you were getting will disappear. That's it

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