[RUBY] How to delete the migration file NO FILE

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Flow to delete

--Creating a dummy file --Give the contents to the created file --Delete dummy file


First $ rails db: migrate: status Check the list status of migration files with

 Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
   up     20200730051333  Create aws texts
   up     20200730052327  Create movies
   up     20200730064626  Devise create users
   up     20200804115232  Devise create admin users
   up     20200804115235  Create active admin comments
   up     20201103112057  Create texts
   up     20201106080329  Add genre to movies
   up     20201106104436  Add image to texts
   up     20201119093844  Create lines
   up     20201129113758  ********** NO FILE **********
   up     20201205113027  Add text id to read texts

Create a dummy file by copying the 14-digit number [Migration: ID] next to Status [Current: up]

 touch db/migrate/20201129113758_hoge.rb         

The file name is not specified.

If you check the created file, there is no content, so describe it.


class Hoge < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
rails db:migrate:status

Check if the dummy file is reflected in the list of migration files.

Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
   up     20200730051333  Create aws texts
   up     20200730052327  Create movies
   up     20200730064626  Devise create users
   up     20200804115232  Devise create admin users
   up     20200804115235  Create active admin comments
   up     20201103112057  Create texts
   up     20201106080329  Add genre to movies
   up     20201106104436  Add image to texts
   up     20201119093844  Create lines
   up     20201129113758  Hoge
   up     20201205113027  Add text id to read texts

Since it is in the up state, set this to down.

 rails db:migate:down VERSION=20201129113758_hoge.rb

Give VERSION the Migration ID and file name. When executed, it will be as follows.

== 20201129113758 Hoge: reverting =============================================
== 20201129113758 Hoge: reverted (0.0000s) ====================================

Check the status again.

 Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
   up     20200730051333  Create aws texts
   up     20200730052327  Create movies
   up     20200730064626  Devise create users
   up     20200804115232  Devise create admin users
   up     20200804115235  Create active admin comments
   up     20201103112057  Create texts
   up     20201106080329  Add genre to movies
   up     20201106104436  Add image to texts
   up     20201119093844  Create lines
  down    20201129113758  Hoge
   up     20201205113027  Add text id to read texts

It's down! You can now delete this file.

rm -rf db/migrate/20201129113758_hoge.rb

Check again after execution. ** $ rails db: migrate: status **

Status   Migration ID    Migration Name
   up     20200730051333  Create aws texts
   up     20200730052327  Create movies
   up     20200730064626  Devise create users
   up     20200804115232  Devise create admin users
   up     20200804115235  Create active admin comments
   up     20201103112057  Create texts
   up     20201106080329  Add genre to movies
   up     20201106104436  Add image to texts
   up     20201119093844  Create lines
   up     20201205113027  Add text id to read texts

It's gone! That's all for the work.

Writing an article is hard, you have to remember Makdown! Lol

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