[JAVA] How to achieve file upload with Feign

1.First of all

Last time explained how to realize file download with Feign. This time I would like to explain how to realize file upload with Feign. I implemented my own Decoder in the download, but I will use this because there is a dedicated module called feign-form for uploading. .. In addition, Official page of GitHub explains as follows.

This module adds support for encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data forms.

2. Preparation of library

feign-form is a separate module, so add it to the dependency. Please refer to Another article for the basic pom.xml when using Feign.


    <!-- add feign-form for multipart : start -->
    <!-- add feign-form for multipart : end -->

3. API interface definition

Defines the API interface. There are the following three types of argument data types that can be used for file upload data conversion (serialization).

As a sample, I would like to use three types of data this time.


package com.example.feign.demo.upload;

import java.io.File;

import feign.Headers;
import feign.Param;
import feign.RequestLine;
import feign.form.FormData;

public interface UploadApi {

    @RequestLine("POST /data/upload")
    @Headers("Content-Type: multipart/form-data")
    String upload(@Param("remarks") String remarks, @Param("uploadFile") File uploadFile);

    @RequestLine("POST /data/upload")
    @Headers("Content-Type: multipart/form-data")
    String upload(@Param("remarks") String remarks, @Param("uploadFile") byte[] uploadFile);

    @RequestLine("POST /data/upload")
    @Headers("Content-Type: multipart/form-data")
    String upload(@Param("remarks") String remarks, @Param("uploadFile") FormData uploadFile);

** Please note that all three types do not work the same. Check the specifications on the API provider (server) side and use the appropriate one. ** **

Data type Content-Disposition:Filename Content-Type:
java.io.File ○: Set ◯: Set (automatic judgment from extension)
byte[] ×: Not set ×: Not set
feign.form.FormData ×: Not set ○: Set (explicitly set by the program)

4. How to use

The point is to set an instance of the feign.form.FormEncoder class in the ʻencodermethod. Others are the same as the basic usage ofFeign`.


package com.example.feign.demo.upload;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

import feign.Feign;
import feign.Logger;
import feign.form.FormData;
import feign.form.FormEncoder;
import feign.jackson.JacksonEncoder;
import feign.okhttp.OkHttpClient;
import feign.slf4j.Slf4jLogger;

public class UploadDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 1. create instance of api interface with feign
        UploadApi uploadApi = Feign.builder()
                .client(new OkHttpClient())
                // use FormEncoder with JacksonEncoder
                .encoder(new FormEncoder(new JacksonEncoder()))
                // .encoder(new FormEncoder())
                .logger(new Slf4jLogger())
                .target(UploadApi.class, "http://localhost:3000");

        // 2. call api
        // File
        File uploadFile = new File("C:/tmp/test.png ");
        String remarks = "I send a image file.";
        String result = uploadApi.upload(remarks, uploadFile);

        try (FileInputStream iStream = new FileInputStream(uploadFile);) {
            // byte[]
            byte[] uploadFileByte = new byte[(int) uploadFile.length()];
            String result2 = uploadApi.upload(remarks, uploadFileByte);
            // FormData
            FormData formData = new FormData("image/png", uploadFileByte);
            String result3 = uploadApi.upload(remarks, formData);
        } catch (IOException e) {

5. Explain the difference between the three types with the implementation code (bonus)

The implementation code of feign-form is open to the public, so you can see the difference between the three types of operations. FormData can be solved by having a field of filename, but it is a mystery why it is not retained. (Although it retains contentType)

5.1. File


SingleFileWriter.Where the writeFileMetadata method of the parent class (AbstractWriter) is called in java

writeFileMetadata(output, key, file.getName(), null);


AbstractWriter.java writeFileMetadata method

  protected void writeFileMetadata (Output output, String name, String fileName, String contentType) {
    val contentDesposition = new StringBuilder()
        .append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"").append(name).append("\"; ")

    String fileContentType = contentType;
    if (fileContentType == null) {
      if (fileName != null) {
        fileContentType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(fileName);
      if (fileContentType == null) {
        fileContentType = "application/octet-stream";

    val string = new StringBuilder()
        .append("Content-Type: ").append(fileContentType).append(CRLF)
        .append("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary").append(CRLF)


In other words, in the case of File, it will be as follows.

5.2. byte[]


ByteArrayWriter.Where the writeFileMetadata method of the parent class (AbstractWriter) is called in java

writeFileMetadata(output, key, null, null);

In other words, in the case of byte [], it will be as follows.

5.3. FormData


FormDataWriter.Where the writeFileMetadata method of the parent class (AbstractWriter) is called in java

writeFileMetadata(output, key, null, formData.getContentType());

In other words, in the case of FormData, it will be as follows.

6. Finally

This time, I explained how to realize file upload with Feign. I think it was easier than downloading because of the modules provided.

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