[RUBY] How to do API-based control with cancancan


When building a Web system, I think there are relatively many requests to "manage authority for each user."

In Ruby on Rails, you can use a Gem called cancancan to manage permissions, but this Gem manages execute permissions (read / write) on the Model. The basic usage is to do.

This time, there is a requirement that "I want to manage the execution authority of API", and I investigated the method, so I summarized it.

General usage of cancancan (model-based control)

Before getting into the main subject, I will briefly introduce the general usage of cancancan (model-based control). (Almost a Japanese translation of the Gem Readme)

Install Gem

Add the following to your Gemfile.

gem 'cancancan'

Definition of Ability

The privileges granted to users are defined in the ʻAbility class. First, create the ʻAbility class with the following command.

rails g cancan:ability

As an example, control the execute permission of the model Post.

class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)
    can :read, Post, public: true  # public=Anyone can see the true record

    if user.present?  #Define additional login user privileges
      can :read, Post, user_id: user.id  # user_You can also refer to records whose id is your own

      if user.admin?  #Define additional permissions for the admin user
        can :read, Post  #All records can be referenced

cancancan has a rich wiki with detailed definitions. Defining Abilities - cancancan

Confirmation of authority

When checking permissions in a view

<% if can? :read, @post %>
  <%= link_to "View", @post %>
<% end %>

You can check if the user has read permission for the variable @post with can?: read, @post. In the case of the above example, the link is displayed only when you have the reference authority of @ post. For more information on the helpers available in the view, see the following pages on the wiki: Checking Abilities - cancancan

When checking permissions on the controller

As a prerequisite, the method current_user must be able to reference the logged-in user. Pre-install Gem for authentication such as Devise and Authlogic.

def show
  @post = Post.find(params[:id])
  authorize! :read, @post  # current_user@Error if post cannot be referenced

If you write load_and_authorize_resource, before_action will be added to load the resource and check the authority according to the controller name. You can use load_and_authorize_resource to prevent the situation where you forgot to write ʻauthorize!` In the action you added later and missed the permission check.

class PostsController < ApplicationController

  def show  # GET /posts/:post_Called when accessing id
    # before_Do the following in action
    # @post = Post.find(params[:post_id])
    # authorize! :show, @post

Supplementary information

The following aliases are internally cut in cancancan.

alias_action :index, :show, :to => :read
alias_action :new, :to => :create
alias_action :edit, :to => :update

So, for example, ʻauthorize!: Show, @post and ʻauthorize!: Read, @post will give the same result. cf. Action Aliases - cancancan

load_and_authorize_resource can be divided into load_resource and ʻauthorize_resource. In the above example, @post = Post.find (params [: post_id])part ofload_resource is before_action, and ʻauthorize_resource is ʻauthorize!: Show, @ post part of before_action. `Is added. cf. Authorizing controller actions - cancancan

API-based control

This is the main subject. As an example, suppose you have defined two actions in your Post controller: show and ʻupdate`.

class PostsController < ApplicationController

  def show  # GET /posts/:post_API to call by id

  def update  # PUT /posts/:post_API to call by id

Allows the admin user to execute both GET / posts /: post_id and PUT / posts /: post_id, and other users to execute only GET / posts /: post_id.

Definition of Ability

class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)
    can :show, :post  # GET /posts/:post_id can be executed by anyone

    if user.admin?  #Define additional permissions for the admin user
      can :update, :post  # PUT /posts/:post_id can only be executed by admin user

Confirmation of authority

The purpose is to control the execution of the API, so check with the controller, not the view.

class PostsController < ApplicationController

  authorize_resource class: false

  def show  # GET /posts/:post_API to run by id
    # before_Do the following in action
    # authorize! :show, :post

  def update  # PUT /posts/:post_API to run by id
    # before_Do the following in action
    # authorize! :update, :post

The key is to use ʻauthorize_resource class: false instead of load_and_authorize_resource`.

ʻAuthorize_resource class: false` reason to use

Considering the case of show of PostsController as an example, ʻauthorize_resource seems to add before_action` that works with the following logic. (I didn't follow the source properly, so it may be different exactly)

if @Is a resource assigned to post?
  authorize! :show, @post
elsif 'class: false'Is not specified?
  authorize! :show, Post
  authorize! :show, :post

If you use load_and_authorize_resource, the resource will be put in @ post, so the permission check of @ post will run. Also, if you do not specify class: false, the model Post permission check will run. That's why we use ʻauthorize_resource class: false`.

in conclusion

I searched online for how to manage API execution privileges, but I couldn't find anything else, so I summarized it this time. If you have any mistakes, please feel free to comment.

I think these requirements will increase with the popularity of microservices. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I would appreciate it if you could refer to it.

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