[JAVA] Automatic file upload with old Ruby gem What to do with Watir

About this article

I was writing a script to upload a file to a website in Watir, It is a memorandum because I solved the problem that it was difficult to find information in the old environment.


CentOS Linux 7  Ruby 2.0.0p648 Specifications gem is Watir The browser uses Firefox, but other browsers such as Chrome can also be used.

Thing you want to do

I want to upload a file to a website by starting an automatic script using Watir. On the upload screen, press the button called Select file, and when the file selection screen appears, select a file from it and upload it.


The behavior of selecting a file from the upload screen is not working. When the OS standard file selection screen opens, the operation of the script does not reach whether it operates outside the browser.

What I tried

  1. Since javascript can be executed inside watir I tried to copy and paste using the clipboard etc., but in the first place the screen specifications are via the clipboard in the script It seems that the paste is not accepted, and the paste quits quietly without any error.
  2. Forcibly trigger a key event from javascript. I tried to force the Enger key and Tab key by executing the following command, but Is the browser itself in focus? It seems that the file selection screen does not accept key commands.
                document.dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent( 'keydown', { keyCode: 86 , ctrlKey: true , key: 'V' }) );

(Reference: https://ameblo.jp/personwritep/entry-12456996738.html) I tried such things as, but it does not perform operations such as going to read the target file.

Website specifications / screen image

The screen for uploading files is below, and you can press the Select file button.


Then, the following OS standard file selection screen appears, and it is designed to upload files from there. image.png

When operating by hand, you can select the file after pressing the Select file button, or you can upload the file by dragging and dropping.


As a result, it's done.

$browser.file_field(:id, //).set("filepath\/...\/file.png ")

Referenced articles

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15163816/automating-a-file-upload-with-watir-in-chrome-on-osx https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/watir/1.8.1/Watir%2FContainer:file_field

One last word

No Watir.

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