What happens to instance variables when copying an instance with ruby


Instance variables are also copied


If there was such a class

class Test
  def set_name(name)
    @name = name
  def get_name

First, set the instance variable normally

origin = Test.new
=> #<Test:0x00007fcebd06e940>

=> "origin"

=> "origin"

When cloned, the entire instance variable is copied

copy = origin.clone
=> #<Test:0x00007fcebd05d7a8 @name="origin">

=> "origin"

Rewriting the instance variable of copy does not affect the original

=> "copy"

=> "origin"

dup Same for dup

copy2 = origin.dup
=> #<Test:0x00007fcebd054040 @name="origin">

irb(main):030:0> copy2.get_name
=> "origin"

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