[RUBY] [Rails] What to do when you want to generate an error that cannot be destory when foreign key restrictions are applied


I want to raise an exception or error when the associated record exists when deleting a record. This is a situation where the parent element should not be erased if it is used in a foreign key.

When I try to delete it, a Ruby error screen appears.


It was because there was no definition of the behavior for the model associated with Model. The migration file foreign key: True was not enough.


It was solved by writing the dependent option in the Model. Write the following for the model.

#Model called contract
class Contract < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :...., dependent: :restrict_with_error


By writing dependent:: restrict_with_error after the association description, it was possible to display the error when destory cannot be done. The following conditions have been met and resolved! ..

#Controller of model called contract
def destroy
    contract = Contract.find(params[:id])
    if contract.destroy
      redirect_to contract_path, notice: "Deleted the selected contract"
      redirect_to contract_path, alert: "Cannot be deleted because it is in use"


・ Https://dorarep.page/articles/rails-dependent#dependent_restrict_with_exception_restrict_with_error

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