Use shutil to delete all folders with a small number of files

If you want a large amount of crawl destination data, you want to delete all the folders that were acquired halfway because they get in the way. I have put together a function for ease of use.

usage environment

windows10 Anaconda 3.6.1

shutil shutil is one of the python standard libraries. Advanced directory operations are possible. [Official Reference]


import os
import shutil

#By default, delete folders with 3 or less elements in the execution folder
def delete_folder( directory_dir= os.getwsd() ,size=3):
    folder_list = os.listdir(directory_dir)
    folder_dir = [os.path.join(directory_dir,i) for i in folder_list if len(os.listdir(os.path.join(directory_dir,i))) <= size ]
    for folder in folder_dir:
        print(folder+'To remove')


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