I was creating a check box, but it's hard to see no matter how much the background is changed ...
I can't see the circle ...
When I looked it up, it was written on this site (http://code.tiblab.net/python/kivy/design_theme).
The method can be done by using one or some of the following three methods.
-Replace the design image The design image is in <KIVY_DATA_DIR> /images/defaulttheme-0.png. Example: C: \ Program Files \ Python27 \ Lib \ site-packages \ kivy \ data \ image \ defaulttheme-0.png
・ Change the basic kv file Change <KIVY_DATA_DIR> /style.kv " Example: C: \ Program Files \ Python27 \ Lib \ site-packages \ kivy \ data \ style.kv
-Add a resource reference path Add your own resource file with kivy.resources.resource_add_path ()
~~ Should I edit defaulttheme-0.png with Illustrator or Photoshop? It became. ~~
~~ I would appreciate it if you could tell me any good ideas ... ~~ (Updated on June 15, 2017) Thank you for pointing out, dario_okazaki.
It was solved by playing with the parameters "background_radio_normal" and "background_radio_down" of the checkbox.
Thank you for your advice! !! !!
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