Learn the design pattern "Command" in Python

I would like to learn GoF design patterns in Python.

■ Command (command pattern)

The Command pattern (English: command pattern) is one of the design patterns in object-oriented programming, and indicates an object that expresses an action. The Command object is an encapsulation of the behavior and its associated parameters. As an example, suppose the library that prints has the PrintJob class. The library user creates a new PrintJob object, sets the parameters (document to print, number of copies, etc.), and finally calls the method to send the job to the printer.

UML class and sequence diagram W3sDesign_Command_Design_Pattern_UML.jpg UML class diagram command.png (The above is quoted from Wikipedia)

■ "Command" sample program

Actually, I would like to try running a sample program that utilizes the Command pattern and check the following behavior.

--Create a test1.txt file with file permission" 777 " --Create a test2.txt file with file permissions" 600 "

In the sample program, the first argument is the file name you want to create, and the second argument is the file authority you want to grant.

$ python Main.py test1.txt 777
% touch test1.txt
% chmod 777 test1.txt
$ python Main.py test2.txt 600
% touch test2.txt
% chmod 600 test2.txt

Check the file list.

$ ls -l|grep test
-rwxrwxrwx  1 ttsubo  staff    0  1 26 13:01 test1.txt
-rw-------  1 ttsubo  staff    0  1 26 13:01 test2.txt

As expected, the file was generated.

■ Details of sample program

Similar code has been uploaded to the Git repository. https://github.com/ttsubo/study_of_design_pattern/tree/master/Command

--Directory structure

├── Main.py
└── command
    └── command.py

(1) The role of Command

It is the role that determines the interface of instructions. In the sample program, the Command class serves this role.


from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class Command(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def execute(self):

    def display(self):

(2) The role of ConcreteCommand

This is the role that actually implements the interface for the role of Command. In the sample program, the FileTouchCommand and ChmodCommand classes serve this role.


class FileTouchCommand(Command):
    def __init__(self, filename, receiverObj):
        self.__filename = filename
        self.__receiver = receiverObj

    def execute(self):

    def display(self):
        print("% touch {0}".format(self.__filename))

class ChmodCommand(Command):
    def __init__(self, filename, permission, receiverObj):
        self.__filename = filename
        self.__permission = permission
        self.__receiver = receiverObj

    def execute(self):
        self.__receiver.changeFileMode(self.__filename, self.__permission)

    def display(self):
        permission = format(self.__permission, 'o')
        print("% chmod {0} {1}".format(permission, self.__filename))

(3) The role of Receiver

This is the target role when executing the command of the ConcreteCommand role. You may call it the recipient of the order. In the sample program, the FileOperator class serves this role.


from pathlib import Path


class FileOperator(object):
    def createFile(self, filename):

    def changeFileMode(self, filename, permission):

(4) The role of Invoker

It is the role that starts the execution of the instruction. It serves to call the interface defined by the Command role. In the sample program, the CompositeCommand class serves this role.


class CompositeCommand(Command):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__cmds = []

    def append_cmd(self, cmd):

    def execute(self):
        for cmd in self.__cmds:
    def display(self):
        for cmd in self.__cmds:

(5) The role of Client

This is the role that creates the ConcreteCommand role and assigns the Receiver role at that time. In the sample program, the startMain method serves this role.


import sys
from command.command import FileOperator, CompositeCommand, FileTouchCommand, ChmodCommand

def startMain(filename, permission):
    recv = FileOperator()
    cc = CompositeCommand()
    cc.append_cmd(FileTouchCommand(filename, recv))
    cc.append_cmd(ChmodCommand(filename, permission, recv))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    startMain(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2], 8))

■ Reference URL

-Implementing the Command pattern in Python -Design pattern in Python ~ Py design pattern ~ / Command pattern

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