[Ruby on Rails] credential does not work in production environment even though I saved production.key


Note that the credential that was running locally did not work in the production environment deployed on Capistrano and was stuck for about 30 minutes.

Local console output

irb(main):002:0> Rails.application.credentials.slack
=> {:token=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}

Production console output

irb(main):002:0> Rails.application.credentials.slack
=> nil


The cause is that the following commands for operating credentials were executed only on dev.

Change local credentials

$  EDITOR="vi" bin/rails credentials:edit 

This alone doesn't change config/credentials/production.yml.enc, so There is no point in reflecting config/credentials/production.key.

As shown below, change the actual credential and push to solve it.

Production Credential change

$  EDITOR="vi" bin/rails credentials:edit -e production

It's not a big deal if you know it, but I forgot about it because of the prejudice that the locals operate only for dev. It was an embarrassing jam that revealed that I didn't really understand how credentials work.

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