Reading and writing sjis files. The final result is quite normal, but ...
First of all, there is an example using codecs.getreader / writer when you go around normally.
So not possible. In conclusion, use string.encode (), decode ()
for line in open('file.txt', 'rt'):
linedec = line.decode('cp932')
Also, writing is
Due to the nice spec orz that results in UnicodeEncodeError, untyped objects When handling it, you cannot rely on the default operation, and you need to convert it to a string by yourself. Why is this part notation?
'%s' % obj
You can do it. (I think it can be the same as the behavior str () of this code)
Also, when I try to write a unicode string to a file that I opened without setting any character code, I get a UnicodeEncodeError. Moreover, if you open it in text mode, it will occur at flush time instead of writing it, so error recovery will not be possible, which is quite a problem. It doesn't seem to treat it as a UTF16 binary file.
So export:
f=open('sjis.txt', 'wt')
lineenc = linestr.encode('cp932')
print >>f, lineenc
print >>f, ('%s' % some_object).encode('cp932')
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