[JAVA] Words that may be confusing to read at first glance ~ Mainly in the field of Web / machine learning ~


There are many terms that are confusing to read when studying IT. For example, "Hadoop" seems to be struggling to read so much that "How to read Hadoop" appears in the Google search suggestion. This time, I will list about 30 general readings and brief explanations of terms that I did not understand at first sight & lost. By the way, if there is an official website, I will link to the terms, so if you are interested, please follow the link. If you have any mistakes or additional requests, we are looking forward to your editing request. We will update it from time to time.

Glossary & Reading

for word            Reading Mi One                         Theory Ming
a anchor anchor(⚓)The acronym for. HTML tags for connecting hyperlinks.
Ajax Ajax, Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript +Abbreviation for XML. It's in jQuery. Asynchronous communication is performed with Javascript and XML as if reading.
alt Ortho Abbreviation for alternative. HTML attribute. You can specify "alternative text" to be displayed instead when the element cannot be displayed.
BIOS BIOS Basic Input/Abbreviation for Output System. A stylish guy who manages and controls input and output and supports the PC behind the scenes.
Bokeh Bokeh データの可視化ライブラリ。ボーっとするのでもなく、ツッコミ待ちでもなく、写真のBokehに由来する。
br break Abbreviation for break. An HTML tag used to break a line.
char Character, char Abbreviation for character. Char is dominant around me. I am a character sect.
column Column, column Column. I often see them in Excel and pandas.
DOM Dom Abbreviation for Document Object Model. Maybe few people get lost? ?? I was at a loss with Don at first. By the way,機動戦士ガンダムに出てくるDomThe spelling is the same.
em Emphasis Abbreviation for emphasis. An HTML tag used when you want to emphasize characters. By the way, strong is used when expressing importance, so be aware of how to use it properly for SEO.
gnu Gnu, Gnu Refers to the GNU collections and the GNU OS.
Hadoop Hadoop Open source distributed processing platform technology. In the Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination I took, this was the answer.
href Href Hypertext REFerence
Kaggle Kaggle Positioned like a machine learning version of a competitive programming site. Prediction accuracy 100%There are a lot of monster engineers who knock out. It can also be used as a site where you can easily get teacher & test data.
LaTeX Latec, Latef A typesetting processing system that can be used for free. It is often used when writing technical documents, but the hurdles for beginners are a little high. LaTeX is recommended because it is easy to change the layout all at once when creating a word for everyday use and a technical document for a blockbuster.
MATLAB Matlabo,MattLove MatrixLaboratory。Deeplearningstartingwith11linesThe selling point is that you can easily start machine learning like this. Matlabo reading is the de facto standard, but for MathWorks Japan, Matt Love
matplotlib Matt plot rib A Python library for drawing graphs like MATLAB. mat seems to be MATLAB MAT.
MinGW Minsey W Abbreviation for Minimalist GNU for Windows. It is a GNU tool that has few functions but is easy to manage after installation. If you do C language in Win environment, this is it.
NGINX Engine X A free and open source web server. It was developed to address the problem of Apache not being able to handle a large number of requests. It's also used on Wikipedia.
ngrok NG Rock A service that allows you to set up a server locally and publish it to the outside. It's too convenient because you can set up a server very easily!There are some voices. I didn't know the origin of the name.
numpy Nampai, Nampai Numerical Python. Leave Python's matrix operations to us. If you do your best, you will have the potential to do machine learning with just this.
OWL Owl ArearrangedacronymforWebOntologyLanguage.Sinceowlindicatesanowl,itisdesirabletopronounceitas"a"whileitisanOntologyO.RecommendedpagesinJapaneseHere
pandas Pandas,pandas AlibraryusedfordatapreprocessinginmachinelearninginPython.Amixtureofpaneldatawiths.Paneldataanalysis
PostgreSQL Post PostgreSQL One of the database management systems.
protégé Protégé Anopensourceontologyeditor.Ifyouwanttomakeanontology,thisisitforthetimebeingHozo
regex Rie Gex 正規表現。regular expressionを略した表現方法。私がインターン生として参加した会社ではRie Gex呼びが標準でした。
SciPy Saipai Science +Python. In addition to the numpy function, it has a function to perform signal processing. Science has a wider range than numeric, isn't it?
scikit-learn Cykit learning Python machine learning library. Speaking of machine learning in Python, this is the first thing to do.
Selenide Selenide AJavaframeworkdedicatedtoUItesting.Theoriginalstoryis化合物のSelenide
Ubuntu ubuntu, ubunchu, ubuntu A typical Linux distribution. Ubuntu is the official reading, pretending to be Ubuntu. But honestly, anything is OK.
Xamarin Xamarin A framework for developing cross-platform apps. It is also the name of a Microsoft subsidiary.
YOLO European AbbreviationforYouOnlyLookOnce.ItseemsthatyouareplayingYouOnlyLiveOnce.Itbecameahottopicbecauseithasamazingimmediateimagerecognitionability.ThisTEDYou can see how amazing it is by looking at.
!DOCTYPE Dock type HTML declaration

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