The story that led to solving the error because postgres did not start with docker-compose up

Before installing laravel I wanted to start the container with docker-compose up, but I couldn't

I was learning laravel based on a certain learning material, and it was the content to start the container using PostgreSQL, but since it did not start well, it is a memorandum until error resolution.

The command actually executed


 docker-compose up -d workspace php-fpm nginx postgres

It is an option after up, but the postgres attached at the end will be the story this time.

If the container is started successfully,


Creating laravel-sns_docker-in-docker_1 ... done
Creating laravel-sns_workspace_1        ... done
Creating laravel-sns_php-fpm_1          ... done
Creating laravel-sns_nginx_1            ... done
Creating laravel-sns_porstgres_1        ... done

It should come out like this, but in my case


Recreating laravel-sns_postgres_1 ... error
Creating laravel-sns_docker-in-docker_1 ... done
Creating laravel-sns_workspace_1        ... done
Creating laravel-sns_php-fpm_1          ... done
Creating laravel-sns_nginx_1            ... done

ERROR: for laravel-sns_postgres_1  Cannot start service postgres: Ports are not available: listen tcp bind: address already in use

It looks like this.


A few months ago, I found out that it was postgres that I had installed when I didn't know much more than it is now.

At that time, I remembered the existence of postgres that I installed without thinking because I wanted to use a DB other than MySQL, and when I looked at the connection status from pgadmin, the port number 5432 shown in this error content was connected It was in a state.

Think of a path to a solution

This time it was an error that occurred while learning a certain teaching material, so when I consulted with the instructor, ・ Ports are not available ・ Address already in use Why don't you search around with keywords? I got the advice, so

Ports are not available → Ports are not available address already in use → The address has already been used Based on the interpretation of the literal translation, I searched and found a hint that seems to be this.

Articles that I was able to refer to

Is it possible to kill the process using port number 5432 based on this? I thought and executed immediately


sudo lsof -i -P | grep 5432

pgAdmin4   2471 ---------   21u  IPv6 ---------      0t0  TCP localhost:64447->localhost:5432 (CLOSE_WAIT)
* Account names and tokens are hidden.

Now that we know that the process number was 2471,


kill 2471

Execute the kill command with

Start the container again


 docker-compose up -d workspace php-fpm nginx postgres

Omit the started container
 Starting 8d38216de390_laravel-sns_postgres_1 ... done

I was able to start postgres safely.

When I think about it, I was reminded that postgres, which I had only installed at that time and had never used, was already connected to the server.

I knew the horror of installing this even in an ignorant state, but at that time I didn't even know the kill command at all, so I learned that there are some things that can be solved over time.

It's not a big deal, but if there is even one person in the same situation, it may be useful for something.

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