In WSL2, when I did `docker-compose up`, I got an error saying that the sh file was not found.




    <<: *app_base
    shm_size: 2G
    command: bin/

So I did docker-compose up.

error contents

ERROR: for rails  Cannot start service rails: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"bin/\": stat bin/start_dev_serversh: no such file or directory": unknown

I got the error "sh file is missing / unknown".


In WSL2, the absolute path of mnt / c is applied, In the Docker for Windows VM, the absolute path of c is applied, so it seems that the root path was different in the first place.

For more information, see Docker-compose and incorrect absolute paths for volumes


$ sudo mkdir /c
$ sudo mount --bind /mnt/c /c
$ cd /c/path/to/project
$ docker-compose ...

Mount files under Windows (/ mnt / c) on Ubuntu

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