I don't see an error in Rails bundle install ... the solution


Recently, there are more opportunities to use rails on AWS Cloud9, coupled with lectures and seminar research. It was the first error I saw in such a situation. It was hard to find a solution even if I searched on the net, so I will leave a note here.

Main subject

So what kind of error did you get? The error is as follows.

$ budle install
There was an error while trying to write to
`/tmp/bundler-compact-index-xxxxxxxxx(date)-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx/versions`. There was insufficient space
remaining on the device.

Hmm ... what is it? Looking at the last sentence, it seems that the capacity of the device is insufficient. That means ... increase the volume of the device itself. Alternatively, you can delete the contents of files that are unlikely to be used to make space. Now, I would like to make the former solution 1 and the latter solution 2.

Solution 1

This means increasing the volume of AWS Cloud9. The article has already been published, so I would like to omit it.

Solution 2

Then, I will try to delete the contents of the file, but I decided to delete it because it seems that I will not use / var / log this time. The command used at that time is as follows.

$ sudo find /var/log/ -type f -name \* -exec cp -f /dev/null {} \;


So I have presented two solutions. I think this will run out of space, so it's okay if you ** bundle install ** again. I think there is probably a better way. Until the end Thank you for reading.

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