The parameters I received in Rails were a bit different than I expected

API mode.

When I used axios to POST the action while using Rails as an API, I received it as params in a different form than I expected on the Rails side.

front.ts'/api/v1/users', {id:})


class Api::V1::UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index

The value sent was expected to be {" id "=> 1},

Looking at the log, it was {" id "=> 1," user "=> {" id "=> 1}}.

This seems to be a specification on the Rails side.

Similarly, if you turn on config.wrap_parameters in your initialization settings, or if your controller calls wrap_parameters, you can safely remove the root element of the JSON parameter. By default, this parameter is then duplicated and wrapped with a key name that corresponds to the controller name. Therefore, the JSON request above can be written as: { "name": "acme", "address": "123 Carrot Street" } If the data is sent to CompaniesController, it will be wrapped with the key: company as shown below. { name: "acme", address: "123 Carrot Street", company: { name: "acme", address: "123 Carrot Street" } }

Rails in API mode is now initializer


ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) { wrap_parameters format: %i[json] }

It seems that this is working because there is.

However, this does not happen with a GET request.

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