I got a Permission Denied error when I put Laravel in Docker


I was building a Docker environment by referring to this article ... Laravel

docker-compose exec app bash
composer create-project --prefer-dist "laravel/laravel=8.*" .

After putting in When I accessed ...

The stream or file "/work/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied


I was told Permission Denied ... Docker is somewhere.


It's a matter of authority, so you can give it authority. It's the same as "If you don't have bread, you can eat sweets with butter" and "If you don't have the authority, you can type the chown command".

In a Docker container

docker-compose exec app bash

Enter with

chown www-data storage/ -R     

If you give permission with the chown command …………


It's done! !! !! !!

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