I really wanted to fix Datetime.now (timezone.now) when I was making a Django test. That memo.
from django.utils import timezone
def hogehoge():
#Get the current time including the time zone ex. datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 30, 15, 35, 29, 482661, tzinfo=<UTC>)
return timezone.now()
I want to test code like this.
from unittest import mock
class TestClass(TestCase):
def test_hogehoge(self, mocked_now):
now = timezone.make_aware(timezone.datetime(2020, 10, 30, 19, 30))
mocked_now.return_value = now #Set return value
r = hogehoge()
return self.assertEqual(r, now)
This will replace timezone.now in your code with a mock.
PyCharm's auto test is convenient for testing. If you rewrite the code, it will be automatically re-executed.
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