Web application created with Python + Flask (using VScode) # 1-Virtual environment construction-


Even if you can study what is called AI technology such as DL and ML and implement it by programming, if you try to spread it within the company, a coding barrier will occur and it will not spread easily.


Even if you say "Put a Jupyter notebook and use python to remember" in the department, it takes time to learn for people who do not usually handle programming at work, so if you read the data as a Web application and click it, you can move it! I wish I could make a UI that says, so I started studying. I would like to keep the knowledge I gained.


This time, create it using VScode + Flask. First, create a simple web page.


This time, we will proceed with the miniconda 4.7.12 installed on Windows 10. It does not use the conda virtual environment. 3.7.3 is installed for python.


Start command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) → Enter interpreter. The created environment selection.   image.png OK if the workspace name and environment name are displayed in the lower left window  image.png

Reboot the terminal to activate the virtual environment.  image.png

The environment switches.  image.png

Create an a.py file as a trial ⇒ The Linter pylint Install screen appears. When installed, it will check the syntax.  image.png  image.png

Install the required libraries Install Flask this time (install any missing items)  image.png


from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
  return "Hello, World!"

You will be asked for F5 ⇒ debug configuration in VS code, so select Flask and execute image.png image.png

app.py will be executed. If you click the URL of Running on http: // ... and Hello! World! Is displayed in your browser, it is successful.

By the way, the configuration is described in the launch.json file in the .vscode folder. image.png

By changing this code, you can set the py file to operate, host, port, etc. For example, when accessing from another PC in the LAN, add host and port.



    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Flask",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "module": "flask",
            "env": {
                "FLASK_APP": "app.py", #Specify the py file to start
                "FLASK_ENV": "development",
                "FLASK_DEBUG": "0"
            "args": [
                "--host=", #Postscript
                "--port=5000", #Postscript
            "jinja": true

By describing as above, you can access by entering the IP address or computer name of the PC running Flask into the browser.

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