[Java] Generate Data URI from byte string of file contents [Kotlin]

things to do

Generates a front-readable Data URI from the bytes obtained from the image file.


The sample code is as follows.

import java.util.Base64

val bytes: ByteArray = //Byte sequence obtained from the file
val base64Bytes: ByteArray = Base64.getEncoder().encode(bytes) //Base64 encoding
val base64Utf8String = String(base64Bytes, Charsets.UTF_8) // UTF-Conversion to 8

val mimeType: String = //MIME Type obtained by some method

//Data URI generation
val dataUri: String = "data:${mimeType};base64,${base64Utf8String}"


Encoding to Base64

Encoding to Base64 can be done without installing a library by using the encoder defined in java.util.Base64 in Java8 or later.

Three types of encoders, basic, ʻURL, and MIME`, are defined here, but as shown in the sample, they cannot be properly interpreted at the front without using the basic encoder.

Conversion to string

Since the encoded result is a byte string, it cannot be treated as a Data URI unless it is properly converted to a character string.

Get MIME Type

The sample code does not describe how to get the MIME Type, but unless you have a specific consideration, you should guess from the extension.

It is also possible to strictly determine the MIME Type by using ʻApache Tika`.

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