[Java] Runtime Data Areas of JVM

Runtime Data Areas 62708f0fa456f6c70661446194ae4fd2.png

Each stack frame has the reference for local variable array, Operand stack, and runtime constant pool of a class where the method being executed belongs. The size of local variable array and Operand stack is determined while compiling. Therefore, the size of stack frame is fixed according to the method.

Java Bytecode

public void add(java.lang.String);
   Stack=2, Locals=2, Args_size=2
   0:   aload_0
   1:   getfield        #15; //Field admin:Lcom/nhn/user/UserAdmin;
   4:   aload_1
   5:   invokevirtual   #23; //Method com/nhn/user/UserAdmin.addUser:(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/nhn/user/User;
   8:   pop
   9:   return  LineNumberTable:
   line 14: 0
   line 15: 9  LocalVariableTable:
   Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
   0      10      0    this       Lcom/nhn/service/UserService;
   0      10      1    userName       Ljava/lang/String; // … Omitted - Other method information …

example1 java code

public class SimpleClass {

    public int simpleField = 100;


byte code

public SimpleClass();
  Signature: ()V
  flags: ACC_PUBLIC
    Stack=2, Locals=1, Args_size=1
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: aload_0
       5: bipush        100
       7: putfield      #2                  // Field simpleField:I
      10: return

constant pool

   #1 = Methodref          #4.#16         //  java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   #2 = Fieldref           #3.#17         //  SimpleClass.simpleField:I
   #3 = Class              #13            //  SimpleClass
   #4 = Class              #19            //  java/lang/Object
   #5 = Utf8               simpleField
   #6 = Utf8               I
   #7 = Utf8               <init>
   #8 = Utf8               ()V
   #9 = Utf8               Code
  #10 = Utf8               LineNumberTable
  #11 = Utf8               LocalVariableTable
  #12 = Utf8               this
  #13 = Utf8               SimpleClass
  #14 = Utf8               SourceFile
  #15 = Utf8               SimpleClass.java
  #16 = NameAndType        #7:#8          //  "<init>":()V
  #17 = NameAndType        #5:#6          //  simpleField:I
  #18 = Utf8               LSimpleClass;
  #19 = Utf8               java/lang/Object

Locals=1, Args_size=1 -> this

  1. aload_0 the first local variable points to this -> load the this reference onto the operand stack

  2. invokespecial #1 invoking the superclass constructor -> corresponding to the index 1 of constant pool -> Methodref #4.#16 -> Object class init

default constructor execute initialization code for class variables (field)

  1. aload_0 the first local variable points to this -> load the this reference onto the operand stack

  2. bipush 100 add a byte as an integer (100) to the operand stack (Stack=2)

  3. putfield #2 reference a field in the index 2 of runtime constant pool -> Fieldref #3.#17 -> the field called simpleField -> pop 100 and this on the operand stack -> 100 to set the simpleField to this object that contains the field


example2 java code

public class TestClass {
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        Object foo = null;
        Object bar = null;

byte code

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   Stack=1, Locals=3, Args_size=1
   0:   aconst_null
   1:   astore_1
   2:   aconst_null
   3:   astore_2
   4:   return

line 5: 0
line 6: 2
line 7: 4

Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
0      5      0    args       [Ljava/lang/String;
2      3      1    foo       Ljava/lang/Object;
4      1      2    bar       Ljava/lang/Object;

Args_size=1 -> args Locals=3 -> args, foo, bar

  1. aconst_null push the null onto the operand stack (Stack=1)

  2. astore_1 pop the reference from the operand stack -> store it in the index 1 of local variable correspond to foo

  3. aconst_null push the null onto the operand stack (Stack=1)

  4. astore_2 pop the reference from the operand stack -> store it in the index 2 of local variable correspond to bar


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