I think there is some confusion about Java licensing and support status. Here's a summary of how each organization provides Java support. Please be aware that Java implementation and support is not a choice between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK, but there are many options such as Adopt OpenJDK, Azul Zulu, Corrette and so on. Support here means that a patch will be released that addresses the bug or security.
Until now, Java had been releasing the next version over about 5 years with the goal of every 3 years, but it was said that Java was old without being upgraded easily. It was changed to a release model in September 2017, with feature releases every 6 months from now on. In March 2018, six months after Java 9 came out in September 2017, Java 10 was actually released as planned. The changes in Java 10 and Java 11 released during this 6-month cycle correspond to feature releases such as Java 8 update 20 and Java 8 update 40 so far. (Q1 here) https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/update-and-faq-on-the-java-se-release-cadence (Japanese translation) https://orablogs-jp.blogspot.jp/2018/05/update-and-faq-on-java-se-release.html
The issue is the support period. From this next section, we will summarize the support policies of each organization.
OpenJDK In the Java development community, Oracle is the main sponsor of Java development. It is central to virtually all Java implementations. There are proprietary JVMs such as OpenJ9 and Java language compatible platforms such as Android, but the Java standard API and compiler are those of OpenJDK. http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/
The official announcement is that the support policy is a semi-annual release until the next version is released. Certainly, support for Java 8 update 20 etc. has ended when the next update 40 comes out, so this is natural. The problem is LTS. LTS is not set in OpenJDK in the official announcement of Oracle. Java Chief Architect Mark Reinhold has said at several events that OpenJDK will also have a triennial LTS, but so far it hasn't been officially announced. Also, even if LTS is done as Mark Reinhold says, it is difficult because there is no overlap between LTS. https://youtu.be/x7pkWlost64?t=5m39s
As we will see later, IBM has indicated its intention to support OpenJDK for four years, and it seems that we need to be careful about the trend.
2018/10/4 postscript Red Hat has announced that it will provide JDK 8 support for its customers until 2023. At that time, it is also stated that "upstream first", that is, the source of OpenJDK itself will be updated first, and the source of JDK8 will be updated on OpenJDK until 2023. https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2018/09/24/the-future-of-java-and-openjdk-updates-without-oracle-support/
Oracle JDK This is Oracle's JDK. Starting with Java 11, only customers with an Oracle contract can use it in production. Every three years, LTS will provide five years of support. Additional support is available for an additional 3 years, indefinitely. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/jp/java/eol-135779-ja.html
Initially, the binaries were only available to customers, but the support roadmap updated on June 21, 2018 states that starting with Java SE 11, the Oracle JDK will continue to be available for development and demo purposes. It was. The above Japanese translation is as of March, so please check the English version. Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap
We have announced that we will continue to support Java8 until January 2019. Until 2020 for desktop use. We plan to provide additional support for our customers in March 2022 and 3 years.
There is a rumor that the support amount is 120 million yen for 100 virtual machines https://twitter.com/shun_tak/status/988256213379956738
There was a price list here. https://www.oracle.com/jp/corporate/pricing/price/index.html It costs 600,000 yen per processor, and a rate of 0.5 is set as the processor core factor. However, this rate does not apply to Azure and AWS. Also, in the case of hyperthreading, it seems that 2 CPUs are calculated as 1 CPU. So, if you have 100 4CPU virtual machines with hyper-threading enabled on your own server or Oracle Cloud, 2CPU x.5x100 x 600,000 = 60 million, but if you use AWS or Azure, it will be 120 million.
However, a new Java SE Subscription is available on June 21, 2018.
Oracle Introduces New Java SE Subscription Offering for Broader Enterprise Java Support
It says $ 2.5/
people / month or less for desktops, $ 25 /
processors / month or less for servers, and volume discounts.
Java SE Subscription FAQ
IBM IBM's Java SDK seems to support Java 8 until April 2022. https://developer.ibm.com/javasdk/support/lifecycle/ I think the JVM is J9, so be careful.
IBM says it will provide Java 8 support for its customers until at least 2025. https://developer.ibm.com/javasdk/2018/04/26/java-standard-edition-ibm-support-statement/
Also, in this article, it is stated that OpenJDK also wants to provide LTS support for 4 years. You also wrote that you are doing a project called Adopt OpenJDK. More on this in the next section.
AdoptOpenJDK AdoptOpenJDK is a community that provides builds of OpenJDK and is sponsored by IBM and others. https://adoptopenjdk.net/index.html Community OpenJDK build farm is running
We have announced four years of support for LTS. Support for Java 8 is also planned for September 2022. https://adoptopenjdk.net/support.html
So, if you think on an official announcement basis, it seems that using the AdoptOpenJDK build will be your favorite in the future. However, it seems to be difficult. https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-build/issues
Zulu/Zulu Enterprise Zulu is an OpenJDK build provided by Azul Systems. Azul Systems is a company that supports OpenJDK and belongs to former Oracle Simon Ritter. Since Customer also has Microsoft, maybe Microsoft Azure is also using zulu.
We are distributing our own build of OpenJDK here. https://www.azul.com/products/zulu-and-zulu-enterprise/ JDK6 also provides u107 and so on. What will it look like in the future?
Zulu is free to use, but Zulu Enterprise offers commercial support, with the highest unlimited support for $ 310,500. Easy to understand compared to Oracle support! It seems that LTS will support for 8 years. In addition to LTS every three years, we also provide MTS (Middle Term Support) for the release in September every year and provide support for two years after the next LTS comes out, and for each other release 1 We also provide additional support for the year. https://www.azul.com/products/zulu-and-zulu-enterprise/zulu-enterprise-java-support-options/
Red Hat Red Hat provides support for JDKs running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and OpenJDK 8 will be supported until June 2023. There is no mention of Java 11, but I think it will probably provide some long-term support. https://access.redhat.com/articles/1299013 https://access.redhat.com/articles/3409141
2018/10/4 postscript It seems to support JDK8 until 2023 https://access.redhat.com/ja/articles/1457743
Microsoft(Azure) We are announcing the availability of LTS on Azure with Azul Systems. https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/blog/microsoft-and-azul-systems-bring-free-java-lts-support-to-azure/
Amazon We have announced support for OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 on Amazon Linux 2 by at least June 30, 2023. Re-affirming Long-Term Support for Java in Amazon Linux | AWS Compute Blog
In addition, Corretto announced the release of a JDK that can be run in environments other than Amazon Linux 2. Introducing Amazon Corretto, a No-Cost Distribution of OpenJDK with Long-Term Support | AWS Open Source Blog
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