Java Primitive Specialization Summary


We have summarized the functional interface of Java SE 8 and the primitive specialization of Stream. The purpose is to prepare for the Java Gold exam.

What is primitive specialization?

In java, primitives cannot be given to type arguments such as T, R of R apply (T t) of Function \ <T, R>. In functional interfaces and Streams, some classes are individually defined so that int, long, and double can be operated like generics (without boxing in the wrapper class). This is called a type with primitive specialization. If you remember only int, there is no difference between long and double.

Organize functional interfaces

[java.util.function] 1 full-function interface

Basic class name Specialization to int Specialization to long Specialization to double Basic method name
Function<T,R> IntFunction<R> LongFunction<R> DoubleFunction<R> apply()
Function<T,R> IntToDoubleFunction LongToDoubleFunction DoubleToIntFunction apply()
Function<T,R> IntToLongFunction LongToIntFunction DoubleToLongFunction apply()
Function<T,R> ToIntFunction<T> ToLongFunction<T> ToDoubleFunction<T> apply()
UnaryOperator<T> IntUnaryOperator LongUnaryOperator DoubleUnaryOperator apply()
BiFunction<T,U,R> ToIntBiFunction<T,U> ToLongBiFunction<T,U> ToDoubleBiFunction<T,U> apply()
BinaryOperator<T> IntBinaryOperator LongBinaryOperator DoubleBinaryOperator apply()
Predicate<T> IntPredicate LongPredicate DoublePredicate test()
BiPredicate<T,U> - - - test()
Consumer<T> IntConsumer LongConsumer DoubleConsumer accept()
BiConsumer<T,U> ObjIntConsumer<T> ObjLongConsumer<T> ObjDoubleConsumer<T> accept()
Supplier<T> IntSupplier LongSupplier DoubleSupplier get()
BooleanSupplier - - - getAsBoolean()


--The primitive-specialized functional interface appears as an argument to the primitive-specialized Stream method.

--The method name of the functional interface should be ** "basic method name As type name" ** only if the return value is a primitive.

--The target of specialization is basically only int, long, double, and BooleanSupplier is special. ――Is BooleanSupplier supposed to be used when writing tests and assertions? -"Bad float, this package is for 3 people"

--Function primitive specialization corresponds to each of the following patterns. --Take a primitive argument and return a primitive --Take an object argument and return a primitive --Take a primitive argument and return an object -Is there IntToIntFunction in the 2nd and 3rd rows of the table? It looks like it will be IntUnaryOperator.

--In accept () of ObjIntConsumer corresponding to BiConsumer, argument 1 is an object and argument 2 is an int. This is used as an accumulator for [IntStream.collect ()] 2.

[] Organize primitive specializations in 0


The following 3 classes are primitive specialized types from Stream \ .

Here, we will call it a primitive specialization stream.

Primitive specialized stream-specific termination operations

--sum (): Take the sum. --avage (): Take the arithmetic mean. The return value is OptionalDouble. --max (): Since the order is self-explanatory, it takes no arguments unlike Stream \ .max (Comparator). --min (): Since the order is self-explanatory, it does not take an argument unlike Stream \ .min (Comparator).

Mutual conversion between Stream \ and primitive specialized streams

From a primitive specialization stream

mapToXxx () method

this Return value Method name argument
IntStream LongStream mapToLong *1 IntToLongFunction
IntStream DoubleStream mapToDouble *1 IntToDoubleFunction
IntStream Stream<T> mapToObj *2 IntFunction<? extends T>
LongStream IntStream mapToInt LongToIntFunction
LongStream DoubleStream mapToDouble *1 LongToDoubleFunction
LongStream Stream<T> mapToObj *2 LongFunction<? extends T>
DoubleStream IntStream mapToInt DoubleToIntFunction
DoubleStream LongStream mapToLong DoubleToLongFunction
DoubleStream Stream<T> mapToObj *2 DoubleFunction<? extends T>

* 1 A simple upcast can be done with the asXxx () method.

this Return value Method name argument
IntStream DoubleStream asDoubleStream -
IntStream LongStream asLongStream -
LongStream DoubleStream asDoubleStream -

* 2 Simple boxing can be done with the boxed () method

this Return value Method name argument
IntStream Stream<Integer> boxed -
LongStream Stream<Long> boxed -
DoubleStream Stream<Double> boxed -

From Stream \ to a primitive specialized stream

mapToXxx () method

this Return value Method name argument
Stream<T> IntStream() mapToInt ToIntFunction<? super T>
Stream<T> LongStream() mapToLong ToLongFunction<? super T>
Stream<T> DoubleStream() mapToDouble ToDoubleFunction<? super T>

flatMapToXxx () method

A combination of flattening and primitive specialization. ** The one who seems to be in the exam **.

this Return value Method name argument
Stream<T> IntStream() flatMapToInt Function<? super T,? extends IntStream>
Stream<T> LongStream() flatMapToLong Function<? super T,? extends LongStream>
Stream<T> DoubleStream() flatMapToDouble Function<? super T,? extends DoubleStream>

Please let me know if there is something to add.

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