Java8 Stream Rough Summary

Now, let's take a quick look at Java Stream. Basically, it is summarized by referring to JavaDoc of Stream, but the method Details such as the type variable of the internal argument are omitted, so refer to JavaDoc for details. Stream is a concept that appeared in Java 8 and can perform various processing on a collection of elements.

Stream operations

Stream operations can be divided into three stages: generate, intermediate, and terminate. Create and terminate operations can be performed only once per stream operation, but intermediate operations can be performed multiple times. Since the intermediate operation method is designed as a method that returns a Stream instance, it can be described by a method chain.

Result variable=Generate().Intermediate operation 1().Intermediate operation 2().Intermediate operation 3().Termination operation();


As the name implies, creation is the process for creating a Stream first. However, Stream is an interface, and implementation classes are not provided in the form that is normally instantiated. Collection provides stream () and parallel () methods to get the Stream of an element, but in many cases you just want to get the Stream without creating a Collection. Therefore, you can create a Stream by using the following static methods provided by Stream.

Method Contents Element count
empty() [] Finite(Sky)
of(Object e1, Object e2, Object e3, …) [e1, e2, e3, …] Finite(Same as argument)
iterate(T s,Function f) [s, f(s), f(f(s)), f(f(f(s))))…} infinite
generate(Function f) [f(),f(),f(),f()…] infinite
concat(Stream s1, Stream s2) [All elements of s1,All elements of s2] By argument

Type of element in T: Stream

You can also use the Builder obtained by Stream.builder () to generate a Stream.

Builder<Integer> builder = Stream.builder();
IntStream s = Stream.builder().add(1).add(2).add(3).build();

An infinite Stream generated by ʻiterate or generatemust be interrupted using the intermediate operationlimit` described below (otherwise it will result in an infinite loop).

Intermediate operation

Intermediate operations operate on the elements in the Stream. The intermediate operation returns a new Stream instance after applying the operation to each element, so you can concatenate the intermediate operations in the method chain. Intermediate operations are roughly divided into characteristic change operations, stateless operations, and stateful operations.

Characteristic change operation

The property change operation is an operation that changes the properties of the stream itself. The elements of the contents do not change. It is defined in its parent interface, BaseStream, not Stream.

Method Contents
parallel() Parallel stream
sequential() Sequential stream
unordered() Unordered stream
onClose(Runnable r) Registering a handler at close

Stateless intermediate operation

A stateless intermediate operation is one that is unaffected by other elements when you operate on one element. Therefore, it is suitable for parallel processing, and it is recommended that intermediate processing be as stateless as possible. Below, e and en (n: integer) are the elements in the stream.

Method Contents
filter(Predicate p) p(e)If is false, delete element e
map(Function f) [f(e1),f(e2),f(e3),…]
flatMap(Function f) [f(e1)All elements of the stream returned by, f(e2)All elements of the stream returned by,f(e3)All elements of the stream returned by,…]
peek(Function f) Execute f for each element, leaving the elements of the stream as they are

Stateful intermediate operation

Stateful intermediate operations are intermediate operations that are affected by other elements when you operate on one element. Some operations may require all the elements in the Stream to return the result. For example, the sorted method that realizes sorting processing is an example. Due to the influence of other factors, stateful intermediate operations require control over complex processing during parallel processing, which can be less efficient than sequential processing.

Method Contents
distinct() Remove duplicate elements in stream
sorted() Sorting in natural order for Comparable implementation classes
sorted(Comparator c) Sorting using Comparator
limit(long maxSize) Truncate to the length of up to maxSize elements
skip(long n) Discard the first n elements

limit is especially called a short-circuit intermediate operation. A short-circuit operation is an operation that has the potential to turn an infinite stream into a finite stream.

It's easy to think that limit and skip are faster in parallel processing than distinct and sorted because they only look at the number of elements, but in an ordered stream, "n from the beginning". This is a costly operation because you need to find out. If you want to prioritize parallel execution and you don't need to maintain the order, you can expect an improvement in efficiency by not ordering with ʻunordered`.

Termination operation

The termination operation processes the contents of the Stream at the time it is called and returns a non-Stream result (including no result (void)). After the termination operation is completed, the Stream that has been used until then becomes unusable, and if you try to use it again, an IllegalStateException will be thrown. Therefore, it is correct to handle Stream objects in the method chain rather than in variables.

Method Return type Contents
close() void Close the stream. All close handlers registered with onClose are called
iterator() Iterator Returns an iterator
spliterator() Spliterator Returns the splitter
forEach(Consumer action) void Execute action for each element. Do not guarantee order
forEachOrdered(Consumer action) void Same as forEach, but guarantees order
toArray() Object[] Arrange
reduce(T unit, BinaryOperator acc) T reduction(Convolution).. Returns the result of combining elements with the cumulative function acc for the identity element unit.
collect(Supplier factory, BiConsumer acc, BiConsumer combiner) Result container Variable reduction. Variable container generated by factory(For example ArrayList)On the other hand, add an element with acc and combine each container with combiner.
min() Optional Returns the smallest element. Special cases of reduction
max() Optional Returns the largest element. Special cases of reduction
count() long Returns the number of elements. Special cases of reduction
anyMatch(Predicate p) boolean p(e)Returns true if even one evaluation result of is true
allMatch(Predicate p) boolean p(e)Returns true if all evaluation results of
noneMatch(Predicate p) boolean p(e)Returns true if all evaluation results are false
findFirst() Optional Returns the first element. Returns arbitrary elements for unordered streams
findAny() Optional Returns any element

Type of element in T: Stream

Is it difficult to understand the reduction operations such as reduce and collect? I will write more about this in another article in the near future. → Written. There was also an unfamiliar name, Splitterator. A splitterator is a parallel-processable (dividable) iterator. A splitter is handled in the stream, and processing is performed on each divided splitter during parallel processing.

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