Java release date and EOL summary

(This article is a multipost with Go to the horizon)

For Oracle JDK

I summarized it in the figure. Looking at this, I think that the support period of 5 to 6 years is quite long.


Release Date
Final Public
Release Date
Final Public
Release Veresion
Java 1.3 May 8, 2000 December 2006 Java 1.3.1 Update 20
Java 1.4 February 6, 2002 October 2008 Java 1.4.2 Update 19
Java 5 September 30, 2004 October 2009 Java 5 Update 22
Java 6 December 11, 2006 April 2013 Java 6 Update 45
Java 7 July 28, 2011 April 2015 Java 7 Update 80
Java 8 March 18, 2014 January 2019 Java 8 Update 201
Java 9 September 21, 2017 March 2018 Java 9.0.4
Java 10 March 20, 2018 September 2018 Java 10.0.2

The Final Public Release Date above is the free support period for Sun Microsystems or Oracle. [^ 1] ** If you subscribe to paid support, you can get further support. ** ** See the Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap ( for more information on this.

For Open JDK

Other than the Oracle JDK, each vendor has a different support period. For example, OpenJDK for RedHat Linux and CentOS will support Java 8 until June 2023 and Java 11 until October 2024, in line with the policy below.

OpenJDK Lifecycle and Support Policy

OpenJDK major versions are supported ** for a minimum of 6 years from the date Red Hat first launched. ** If the end date of the underlying RHEL platform precedes the end date of the OpenJDK version, the end date of support for the RHEL version will be the end date of support for the OpenJDK version.

Please refer to @ u-tanick and @yamadamn's materials for support policies and comparisons of each OpenJDK. Comparison of vendors providing long-term commercial support (LTS) for JDK (also mentioning free use) (@ u-tanick) How to choose the best OpenJDK distribution (@yamadamn)

[^ 1]: Confirmed as of May 2019

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